WAIVER OF INDEMNITY: I agree to release, indemnify and save from harmless from all liability, loss, suits, actions, demands, proceedings which arise directly or indirectly out of or are associated with my attendance on and activities with Southport Yacht Club Inc and any associated sponsors from any responsibility, liability and/or accountability concerning loss or injury or damage while attending the Southport Yacht Club Inc except in respect of loss or injury due to or resulting from an act of negligence or breach of duty on the part of Southport Yacht Club Inc. or its Officers, Staff or Instructors. I also understand that sailing can be a strenuous activity and I declare that I am physically fit to participate in every aspect of the activity and that I am aware of and accept all the risks of doing so. I agree that this indemnity extends to all officers and agents of the Southport Yacht Club Inc and all organisations and authorities connected or concerned therewith.
I confirm that I have read the above
Event Waiver in its entirety.*